repeated_cell module¶
- class MaskListRepeatedCellFlow(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Sequential normalizing flow based on repeating a single coupling cell type with each a different mask as a sequence of transformations
- Parameters
d (int) – dimensionality of the space
cell – callable that yields an instance of zunis.models.flows.coupling_cells.general_coupling.InvertibleCouplingCell the coupling cell to be repeated.
masks (list of lists of bool) – list of masks for each flow in the cell. The order is from latent space to target space
input_flow (, None) – flow model to be used as an input. Typically to deform the input space to be suited to the repeated cell
output_flow (, None) – flow model to be used as an output. Typically to deform the input space to be suited to the repeated cell
cell_params (dict) – parameters of the cell
input_cell_params (dict, None) – parameters of the input cell
output_cell_params (dict) – parameters of the output cell
- class RepeatedCellFlow(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Repeated cell flow: a sequential model with a coupling cell model This is meant as a higher-level API to generate boilerplate models based on architecture and masking strategy
- Parameters
d (int) – dimensionality
cell ({"pwlinear", "pwquad", "realnvp"}) – coupling cell choice
masking ({"checkerboard", "maximal"}) – masking strategy. See
input_cell (optional) – Transformation before the repeated cell
output_cell (optional) – Transformation after the repeated cell
cell_params (dict, optional) – parameters for the repeated cell
input_cell_params (dict, optional) – parameters for the input_cell
output_cell_params (dict, optional) – parameters for the output_cell
masking_options (dict, optional) – parameters for the masking strategy
- cells = {'pwlinear': (<class 'zunis.models.flows.coupling_cells.piecewise_coupling.piecewise_linear.PWLinearCoupling'>, None, None), 'pwquad': (<class 'zunis.models.flows.coupling_cells.piecewise_coupling.piecewise_quadratic.PWQuadraticCoupling'>, None, None), 'realnvp': (<class 'zunis.models.flows.coupling_cells.real_nvp.RealNVP'>, None, <class 'zunis.models.flows.analytic_flows.element_wise.InvertibleAnalyticSigmoid'>)}[source]¶