utils.integrands.madgraph module¶
- class CrossSection(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
The matrix-element generated by the Fortran-output of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO
- Parameters
e_cm (float or torch.Tensor) – Centre-of-mass energy of a central two-body collision.
pdf (boolean) – If True, the beams are assuemed to be proton beams and the PDFs are included in the calculation.
delr_cut (float or torch.Tensor) – The minimum angular distance between each pair of the outgoing particles.
pt_cut (float or torch.Tensor) – The minimal transversal momentum of each outgoing particle.
rap_maxcut (float or torch.Tensor) – The maximal rapidity of each outgoing particle. -1 means no cut.
pdf_type (String) – The name of the PDF set to be used by LHAPDF.
pdf_dir (String) – The directory whre the PDF data sets are stored.
lhapdf_dir (String) – The path to the LHAPDF shared-object file.
process (String) – The name given by MadGraph5_aMC@NLO to the subprocess.
device (torch.device) – Default device where the parameters are stored