How to use a configuration file

Configuration files can be used to specify arguments for the Integrator interface in YAML. This is implemented in the config subpackage. A default config file, integrator_config.yaml, is given there:

flow: pwquad
  d_hidden: 256
  n_bins: 10
  n_hidden: 8
masking: iflow
  repetitions: 2
loss: variance
n_points_survey: 10000
n_iter: 10
minibatch_size: 1.0
max_reloads: 0
n_epochs: 50
  optim_cls: Adam
    betas: !!python/tuple
    - 0.9
    - 0.999
    eps: 1.0e-08
    lr: 0.001
checkpoint: True
checkpoint_on_cuda: True
checkpoint_path: null

The settings specified in the configuration file are used for the setup of the trainer, the integrator and the flow.

The flow option specifies which kind of flow to use in the coupling cells (choices being realnvp, pwlinear or pwquad), as well as the geometry of the underlying neural network and, in case of piecewise-linear or -quadratic flows, the number of bins. It is also possible to choose either a checkerboard, maximal or iflow masking strategy and define how many sets of coupling cells should be used.

For the purpose of training, either a variance or dkl loss can be specified. Next to the default flat survey strategy, there exists also the forward and forward_flat_int survey strategy. For fixed samples, the fixed_sample survey strategy creates a Fixed Sample Integrator. Specific for variance/DKL loss, a survey strategy adaptive_variance/adaptive_dkl is provided. n_iter refers to the number of iterations, whereas n_points_survey defines the number of points used per iteration for the survey stage; the same can be defined for the refine stage too.

Besides this, the trainer options itself can be also defined - the size of minibatches, the maximum number of how often the trainer is allowed to restore from a checkpoint if an exception happens as well as how many epochs are used during an iteration. If checkpoint is set to True, checkpoints are saved (on the GPU if checkpoint_on_cuda is true), alternative checkpoints can be also taken from a file if a path is given. Lastly, the optimizer settings itself are specified, defining which algorithm to use as well as its parameters.

In general, all keywords arguments specified for Integrators can be defined in a configuration file.

Extending the basic example, this configuration file can be loaded to the integrator in the following way:

import torch
from zunis.integration import Integrator
from zunis.utils.config.loaders import create_integrator_args

device = torch.device("cpu")

d = 2

def f(x):
    return x[:,0]**2 + x[:,1]**2

integrator = Integrator(f,d,**create_integrator_args(),device=device)
result, uncertainty, history = integrator.integrate()

create_integrator_args(None) returns a dictionary with keyword arguments which are given to the integrator. The values of the keyword arguments are specified by the yaml file which is at the path specified by the argument. If the argument is None, as it is in this case, the quoted default config.yaml is loaded.

The config files can be written by hand, or, alternatively, a generator is also available at zunis.utils.config.generators

import torch
from zunis.integration import Integrator
from zunis.utils.config.loaders import create_integrator_args
from zunis.utils.config.generators import create_integrator_config_file

device = torch.device("cpu")

d = 2

def f(x):
    return x[:,0]**2 + x[:,1]**2

create_integrator_config_file(filepath="integrator_config_new.yaml", base_config="integrator_config_old.yaml", n_points_survey=20000)
integrator = Integrator(f,d,**create_integrator_args("integrator_config_new.yaml"),device=device)
result, uncertainty, history = integrator.integrate()

This example loads an old, preexistent config file, changes the number of survey points and provides the updated file to the integrator.