How to train on a pre-evaluated sample

ZüNIS provides integrators which use pre-evaluated samples. This is especially useful when fine-tuning integration parameters for a function that is very costly to evaluate.

The functionality for using pre-evaluated samples are provided by the Fixed Sample Integrator. This integrator is accessible when using config files by choosing the survey strategy fixed_sample.

Starting from the basic example, on can train on a sample defined as a PyTorch tensor:

import torch
from zunis.integration import Integrator

device = torch.device("cuda")

d = 2

def f(x):
    return x[:,0]**2 + x[:,1]**2

integrator =  Integrator(d=d, f=f, survey_strategy='fixed_sample', device=device, n_points_survey=1000)

n_points = 1000
# Uniformly sampled points
x = torch.rand(n_points,d,device=device)
# x.shape = (n_points,d)

px = torch.ones(n_points, device=device)
# px.shape = (n_points,)

# Function values
fx = f(x)

sample = x, px, fx
result, uncertainty, history = integrator.integrate()

The sample have to be PyTorch tensors present on the same device in a 3-tuple, with the first containing the sampled points, the second containing the sampling distribution PDF values, and the last entry containing the function values, respectively of shapes (sample_size, d), (sample_size,) and (sample_size,)

Fixed sample integrators can also directly import a pickle file, containing a sample batch of the same structure:

import torch
import pickle
from zunis.integration import Integrator

device = torch.device("cuda")

d = 2

def f(x):
  return x[:,0]**2 + x[:,1]**2

integrator =  Integrator(d=d, f=f, survey_strategy='fixed_sample', device=device, n_points_survey=1000)

data_x = torch.rand(1000,d,device=device)
#[[0.2093, 0.9918],[0.3216, 0.6965],[0.0625, 0.5634],...]
data_px = torch.ones(1000)

pickle.dump(sample, open("sample.p","wb"))

result, uncertainty, history = integrator.integrate()

Finally , it is also possible to provide samples as a .csv file. This file has to have d+2 columns, with the first d columns containing the sampled points, the second the sampling distribution PDF values and the last the function value. For the above example, the .csv file would look like:

0.2093, 0.9918, 1, 1.0274
0.3216, 0.6965, 1, 0.5885
0.0625, 0.5634, 1, 0.3213

This could be imported as a pre-evaluated example and used for integration in the following way:

import torch
import numpy as np
from zunis.integration import  Integrator

device = torch.device("cuda")

d = 2

integrator =  Integrator(d=d, f=f, survey_strategy='fixed_sample', device=device, n_points_survey=1000)

result, uncertainty, history = integrator.integrate()